Rabbi Gabay was born and raised in Jerusalem. There, he received his Rabbinical ordination at The Shehebar Sephardic Center (SSC) in the Old City. He was examined and certified by the honorable Rabbi Yaakov Peretz (Chief Rabbi of SSC) in Chuppah & Kiddushin, family laws of purity (Ktamim – Tahrat H’mishpchah), and laws of conversions (Giur). Rabbi Gabay also had the distinct honor of learning and studying by both Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, OBM and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, OBM.
Rabbi Gabay has been serving as a spiritual leader for over 15 years, strengthening communities throughout the world including Colombia, Texas and Brooklyn. He provided spiritual guidance to the Jewish communities there through his extensive knowledge in Torah laws and Jewish philosophy. He is a dynamic speaker and teacher versed in pastoral counseling who engages well with all community members.
His experiences have helped him to develop many programs and initiatives to promote spiritual connectedness and community unity. These include in-depth daily classes in Gemara and Rishonim, Halachic decision making / guidelines, children’s programming, Judaic workshops and more. Rabbi Gabay has lectured extensively, creating programs and disseminating classes for both adults, children and teens (Bar Mitzvah classes / Talmud Classes, Hebrew Sunday School). Most importantly, he is skilled at adapting his teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students’ varying needs and interests.
As a trained and professional Cantor, Rabbi Gabay brings vibrancy and life into daily services through his talented liturgical capabilities. He has led worship services throughout the world and most notably in the Edmond Safra Congregation of Deal, NJ as well as Ahava V’ahva Congregation in Brooklyn, NY. He is also an astute Baal Koreh and Tokeah B’Shofar and can perform wedding ceremonies (Chuppah & Kiddushin). His Cantorial style is traditional and deeply rooted in our Sephardic heritage. He takes great pleasure in bringing this tradition to the Congregation’s children through Tefilah and Torah Reading classes.
In addition to his rabbinical work, Rabbi Gabay and his wife, Avivit give back to their communities by becoming active members of charitable organizations. Together they have helped various causes that supply vital necessities to families in need with discretion and honor.
Rabbi Gabay is committed to building relationships with community members of all ages and incorporating the richness of the Jewish traditions into their lives in ways that speak to them most deeply and personally.