Tiferet Rafael
9665 W. Broward Blvd
Plantation, FL 33324

“Bar Mitzvah Club”

“Bar Mitzvah Club”
B”H we are excited to announce about the  new  “Bar Mitzvah Club”
B”H starting next Wednesday, August 14.
In the program, we will learn about :
Torah reading -Taamei Hamikra
Shabat and weekly Prayers
Tefilin -The meaning of Tefillin, including presentation and video how to make Tefillin etc.  
Jewish history
Special activities and more..
come join us!

B”H every other Wednesday at 5.30-6.30 pm
Ages: from 11 -14 years old.
Pizza and drinks!
Looking forward to see you!

Register today!!
[email protected]
Sponsors will be greatly appreciated, please contact the Rabbi for more info.

Tiferet Rafael Synagogue
Address: 9665 West Broward Blvd Plantation Fl 33324 United States