Tiferet Rafael
9665 W. Broward Blvd
Plantation, FL 33324

Misloach Manot


Purim is around the corner!!

You can now participate in sending Misloach Manot baskets to anyone in our Tiferet Rafael Family. Each recipient will receive one Beautiful Misloach Manot basket, along with a card that lists all the people who participated in their package. The cost is $10.00 per recipient or $107 to send Mishloach Manot to the entire Tiferet Rafael community.

Misloach Manot basket will be available for pickup after Megilah reading at the Shul or delivered on Purim day.

To purchase Misloach Manot baskets click here.

Also we have a Megillah raffle tickets available 

If you want to buy a ticket call avi Avshara or Soly Djamal

Megillah reading will be on Wednesday March 20th at 7.30 pm

March 21th we will have Megillah reading for woman at 4.00 pm 

Purim festival at 5.00 pm