Special shiur about Shabat!! How we can feel haven on earth! The sweetness in Shabat Kodesh!! for more lectures visit our website: www.haravlasry.comRead More
Shiur about Emunah - - there is nothing in the world except God. אין עוד מלבדו -en od milvado How we can use the tools of Emunah to our life. Beautiful lecture! for more lectures- Go on the Website: www.haravlasry.comRead More
Shiur about Emunah -If we Believe in God -why we have to work ? Or go to the Doctor? Should we trust Hashem ? How much effort we need to do? What is Emunah? Very special lectureRead More
High Holidays! 2017! Rosh Hashana -Sep 20-22 Will be b”h at Tiferet Rafael synagogue! Free seats!! The meals will be served on Wednesday night / Friday morning. 36$ per person 15$ child. To resister Please call soly 954-931-3560 Yom Kipur: Sep 29-30 B”h this year -on Yom Kipur we will be at Bonaventure Resort &...Read More